Ice prince - úvod

Napsal Dear_J-ane (») 21. 9. 2016 v kategorii Info a zbytok, přečteno: 1050×

Asi je načase trochu vám predstaviť túto poviedku. Zatiaľ mám 10 strán a myslím, že rozhodne bude mať trochu viac kapitol, ako som pôvodne plánovala :D Takže tu máte úryvok a malé predstavenie postáv ^^ 

Oh, na obrázku hore je Yunho a ten tieň patrí Jaejoongovi, prišiel mi tento obrázok najvystížnejší vzhľadom na tému. Ešte dodám, že vždy, keď v príbehu pribudne nová postava, pridám do kapitoly jej obrázok.

Ukážka je rozdelená na 3 časti- prvá je úplny začiatok, skôr taký úvod do poviedky. Druhá je kúsok nasledujúci po prvej scéne a tretia je prvé stretnutie Yunha a Jaejoonga.


Jung Yunho and Shim Changmin were sight to behold. Both tall, handsome, smart and easy going. Despite that were the Student council president Yunho and his vice president Changmin very different. Changmin preferred books over parties, he was stoic but could tease you to death while Yunho loved sports, dance and people. Maybe except one certain Ice prince...  


Yunho hated when Changmin was right. And he was always right. He never ever talked to Jaejoong and had no right to behave the way he does because really Jaejoong didn't do anything wrong to him or really to anyone. He never heard his crushes talking about him badly. Thinking about that, he felt a little guilty and decided get to know that man. Wasn't he lonely? He quickly steps inside and his eyes fly to the table in the back of the room where the black haired boy sits but his seat is empty. Confused, he looks at the time just when the bell rings. Where's Jaejoong? As soon as the thought came to his mind he shaked it off. It's none of my business. 


Only his sobs can be heard and Yunho is thorn. Try to comfort him or leave him there? He makes his choice watching the small body shaking. Making the few steps to him, he reaches hand, resting it on Jaejoong's shoulder gently. 

 "Hey, you alright?" His voice comes out quiet but he knows he's been heard because the sobs turns into hiccups and Jaejoong jerks away from his hand.

"Go away." The other sounds broken.

But Yunho's nothing if not determined and he can't really turn away from someone who obviously hurts.

"Just wanna help you."

Jaejoong suddenly yells: "No one can help me!" hastily grabs his bag from the floor and runs away.

Staring after him, Yunho sighs. "Okay, so no comforting..." 


Kim Jaejoong (17)


Jung Yunho (17)


 Shim Changmin (16)


Každý obrázok z úplne iného časového obdobia, ale potrebovala som obrázky vystihujúce ich výzor a povahu v tejto poviedke :D

Som zvedavá na vaše názory :) 

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