autor: Yellow fried chickenz
album: All my love/ You are the reason (singel)
Yellow fried chickenz I
rok: 2012
číslo skladby: 5
You are the reason that fills me
You are the meaning that gives me hope
Anata ga ita kara
All we ever knew was lost
Devastated plans we made
The ghost of your laughter haunting my dreams
Nakushita kioku wa
Modoranai kedo
Koboshita namida no kazu dake tsuyoku nareru
You are the reason that fills me
You are the meaning that gives me hope
Anata ga ita kara
Mada hitori ja nanimo dekinai kedo
You are the reason that I live for
You are the reason that feels me
You are the meaning that gives me hope
Anata ga ita kara
You are the reason that I live for...
You are the reason that I live for...
You are the reason that I live for...
You are the reason that fills me
You are the meaning that gives me hope
Because you were there
All we ever knew was lost
Devastated plans we made
The ghost of your laughter haunting my dreams
The memories we've lost
Won't come back
But all the tears we've shed can make us stronger
You are the reason the fills me
You are the meaning that gives me hope
Because you were there
Even though I still can't do anything alone
You are the reason that I live for
You are the reason that fills me
You are the meaning that gives me hope
Because you were there
You are the reason that I live for
You are the reason that I live for
You are the reason that I live for
Ty si dôvod, ktorý ma napĺňa
Ty si zmysel, ktorý mi dáva nádej
Pretože si tam bola
Všetci sme vedeli, čo bolo stratené
Zničené plány, ktoré sme vytvorili
Duch tvojho smiechu prenasleduje moje sny
Stratili sme spomienky
Nevrátili sa
Ale všetky slzy, ktoré sme preliali nás urobili silnejšími
Ty si dôvod, ktorý ma napĺňa
Ty si zmysel, ktorý mi dáva nádej
Pretože si tam bola
Aj keď stále nemôžem nič robiť sám
Ty si dôvod, ktorý ma napĺňa
Ty si zmysel, ktorý mi dáva nádej
Pretože si tam bola
Ty si dôvod, pre ktorý žijem...
Ty si dôvod, pre ktorý žijem...
Ty si dôvod, pre ktorý žijem...
krásna pieseň s krásnym jednoduchým textom.....aj keď neuveríte ako ťažko sa hladal anglický preklad tých štyroch viet :D a dokonca som si to video s piesňou musela sama vyrobiť a zavesiť na YT :D to je strašné toto :D live z Berlína